Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wide Awake & Dreaming

Julie has laid out the narcoleptic experience from beginning to end. From mysterious symptoms, diagnosis, meds management, lost hope for a 'fix' to finding a way to best live with such a little-known disorder, Julie shows what it is like to live with narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy is so under diagnosed, that narcoleptics have trouble finding others to learn from and share experiences and non-effected people know little to nothing about it. This book is a wonderful source to hear another's story as well as for non-effected persons to learn about such a fascinating disorder.

Julie writes a compelling story in plain language. A must read for sure!

Monday, December 17, 2012

I Guess a Girl Can't Live on Running Alone

Today I did my first yoga class. It was harder than it looks (as I expected). Through the whole class I kept thinking, this is going to be so good for my running!

Yep, I'll have to do another one! :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Running With Rocks in My Shoes

So I came in from my run tonight and my shoes sounded like tap shoes on the floor. I looked and there was a big 'ol rock wedged in the heel of my shoe. Wonder how long that was there!