Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I did my first speed workout...and survived!!

Untitled by anjil1206 at Garmin Connect - Details

This is what a track workout looks like on a map.  (Click the link above).

LOL. Look at the hill profile. It looks really funny!

I was so nervous about my first speed workout. I did virtually no speed workouts last season as my focus was solely on covering the distance. But as I shared previously, I have lofty goals this season. So to the track I went.

I expected to suffer ....a lot! I was even worried about not making the pace goal at all. Phfffft! As it turns out, it looks like I underestimated what my pace should be. Not that I didn't work hard I did. But I was able to keep the pace without any suffering. So really, it was probably perfect for the first time out. It gave me confidence and a base line to start with.

Next week, I upping the goal pace a bit. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Weird elevation profile! What is going on on the east side of the track? One bump. Great job on your first speed training run! You're going to rock it this year in S.F.!