Thursday, October 21, 2010

Marathon Weekend Photos - Set one

Back of running singlet. Names of people I ran for.

Front of singlet. You put your name very big and bright so people will cheer for you by name. I heard "Run Jill Run" all along the route.

The "Gauntlet". You had to walk through a tunnel of cheering to get to dinner. It was over whelming!

A man was holding a sign: "I'm a survivor because of you." Wow! That got me!

Me and my running partner Cindy.

Joan Benoit-Samuelson spoke at our dinner! One of my top three running heroes! Holy Cow!

1 comment:

Ron said...

Thank you, Jill, for including me on your singlet. Your cheerful determination to achieve your goal has been a real encouragement for me this past year. It's not just the raising money that counts, although that is so important in this time of cut backs, but it is also your personal example. It's so easy to become discouraged fighting cancer. Your strong spirit helps keep my spirit bright. Thank you.
