Well I finally signed up for a marathon. But not just any marathon. The Nike Women’s Marathon in SAN FRANCISCO!!!!
San Francisco is my favorite city to visit. So that was cool. Then I found out that for a day and a half before the marathon there is a “Spa-expo”. Yeah. Not just a fitness expo as is typical before big sporting events. But a Spa-expo. Free manis, pedis and massages. Oh yeah!
And, because I’m traveling with Team in Training (TNT) I get to be one of the first ones to hit it! Look out!
If that isn’t enough, every finisher get a Tiffany necklace!!!! And guess how you get the necklace? SF Firemen dressed in tuxedos stand at the finish line holding silver trays stacked with blue Tiffany bags each containing a finisher’s necklace. And they hand them to you as they cross the finish line.
So that totally sealed the deal. It’s comforting to know that there will be many medically training firemen at the end of the race. I expect it’ll take at least two of them to carry me away from the finish area and to the TNT tent. I also expect to sit in the ice bath for at least 5 hours before my legs will support me again. I have no idea how I will make the celebratory dinner that night. But I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Actually, there were a few forces that brought me to the marathon. First, even though I’ve been running for a couple years, I haven’t been improving that much. So I thought I’d find some local people to run with. I had no luck finding anyone in Santa Maria. I know there are other people who run in Santa Maria but apparently they aren’t looking to for people to run with. So I thought about getting a running coach. But alas, I could not find any running coaches in Santa Maria.
So, I knew I wanted to complete at least one marathon in my life. I also knew that TNT provides coaches for their team members. And you have running partners every weekend. Plus the fact that they raise funds for a great cause made it a ‘no brainer’.
So I signed up.
Of course now I am scared to death! What if I can’t keep up with the other runners? What if I can’t keep up with the training schedule? What if I get sick or injured? What if so much training makes me cranky and Kris starts to hate me??
But so far so good. Of course training hasn’t officially started. I am just running to keep my fitness up until the official first week which begins May 15th.
Wish me luck!
Please feel free to make a donation. I have a long way to go and every little bit helps. Also, pass my info to anyone you think may be interested! Thanks all!
Congratulations Jill. What a great goal. It's a cancer fund-raiser too, isn't it?
It sure is. It's specifically for blood cancers. But the research is shared across the medical community of course. So a lot of the research advances funded by Team in Training has been successful for all types of cancers and autoimmune diseases. Cool! :)
WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I wish I could do it with you, but ya know, there is that whole 1 yr anniversary and all. I'm so incredibly proud of you for taking the plunge! I have all the same reservations as you but the motto works for us " You never know until you try". I look forward to sharing my struggles and triumphs with you as we both train like hell for this marathon. And remember, your first marathon is not about time...its about finishing. Oh and about hot firefighters handing you Tiffany necklaces. :)
LOL! Jill you crack me up! I can't wait to get to know you more on the training runs - I have a feeling we are going to team up for many a laugh together! <3 Kirsten the Mentor ;-)
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